Friday, May 31, 2013

Controversial -- Cheerios

This is the second controversial ad in a row I've posted (I swear this won't become a theme!). I actually saw it a couple of days ago and thought nothing of it, though there were rumblings of controversy at that point already. The problem people are having is that this spot stars an interracial couple and their mixed daughter, which Cheerios goes out of its way to show. If you look at the commercial itself, its actually pretty cute (like all Cheerios' commercials) and very well done, but nevertheless, the content is overshadowed by the casting.

Cheerios disabled their comment section after extremely vulgar and hateful comments were left and its still down as of now. Though its 2013 and most of us thought those days were over or nearly gone, its sad to see people are still as hateful as they were 50 years ago (yea, it was THAT recently). My faith in humanity was restored a little when I read the statistics: 8,117 thumbs up, 864 thumbs down! Watch the 30-second commercial below:


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